Who is Shinko in shinchen

Your well wisher
3 min readJan 15, 2024


Hello viewers, I am writing after such a long time, So today I am going to share a interesting theory about Shinko in shinchen, she is one of the most secret character in show, she has rarely be seen in show, My this blog is mainly for shinchen lovers

So let’s begin

Shinko is the strange girl from a Japanese show “Shinchen” she’s appearance is slightly like shinchen and her sister but her character is opposite to the character of shinchen

So let’s talk about who is she will be

According to assumptions she might be future himawari because when shinchen meet Shinko he assumed that she might be Shinko and in some episodes we have seen some proofs of that like she has two dogs who are like shinchen’s dog shiro and has some future gadgets

and we have also seen a toy that hiroshi bought for himawari but when she lost that Shinko give it to her again

As we can see, She’s hair colour is same as himawari has

Now let’s talk about another assumption

So according to our another assumption Shinko might be daughter or shinchen and tamiko kaneari, According to story after tamiko’s father arrested she will be became the new president of kaneari company and she supposedly rich

As we seen in movie there is a time machine by which tamiko find 5 year old shinchen so It may be possible that Shinko get that time machine and use it to come in her childhood

In 2023 Shinko-chan has appeared again after a break of thirteen years (episode 1171c "Shinko-Chan is Back!"). Photographer Musae meets Shinko for the first time in this episode.

She has appeared only in the anime and not in the manga. Her first appearance was in episode 651

In 2023 Shinko-chan has appeared again after a break of thirteen years (episode 1171c "Shinko-Chan is Back!"). Photographer Musae meets Shinko for the first time in this episode.

I hope you all like my article



Your well wisher

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